BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//APAIE 2025/Conference and Exhibition METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:b56d94b3-4fe7-d38c-54c5-4de92a74db0e SUMMARY:18A - Analyzing and improving sustainability of short-term programs, both onsite and online DTSTAMP:20241030T152724 DTSTART:20250327T111500 DTEND:20250327T114500 DESCRIPTION:Based on one virtual and four onsite short-term study programs of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – Business (HS LU) in Switzerland, at Mahidol University – MUIC in Thailand, and in Vancouver Canada, the presenters share their experience and consider the im pact of intercultural knowledge and social sustainability as well as enviro nmental and economical sustainability. Likewise, geographical, cultural, an d socio-economic parameters will be reflected on. The presenters illustrate what leads to successful and sustainable partnerships on STPs in the Asia- Pacific region and in Switzerland. They discuss how they overcome challenge s such as funding issues (economical sustainability) and supporting student s as they transfer their awareness of the sustainability dimensions and int ercultural learnings to their work world. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Attendees wi ll learn about the impact of the following on short-term programs (STPs), o nsite, online and COIL: - intercultural knowledge, social sustainability as well as environmental sustainability,UN SDGs - geographical, cultural, and socio-economic parameters - alternative financing in HEIs -Further, the po sitive experiences of participating in the Swissnex India COIL program in 2 024 will be shared TARGET AUDIENCE: Areas of work: lecturers, international office staff and management Areas of interest: intercultural, internationa l leadership, STPs, IaH, COIL, internationalization in business schools, ex change programs, SGDs TARGET AUDIENCE LEVEL: All URL: LOCATION:MR 201 STATUS:CONFIRMED CATEGORIES:Concurrent Session - Concurrent Session 18 ORGANIZER;CN=APAIE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR