BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//APAIE 2025/Conference and Exhibition METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:a908222c-c8cd-a3ae-14c4-ecfd04ba92e1 SUMMARY:Pre-Conference Workshop 2: Measuring the Impact of International Education: Tools, Strategies, Best Practices DTSTAMP:20241030T152724 DTSTART:20250324T090000 DTEND:20250324T120000 DESCRIPTION:This interactive three-hour workshop aims to empower educators, administrators, and policymakers with the knowledge and skills to effectiv ely measure the impact of international education programs. Participants wi ll explore the significance of impact assessment, gaining insights into var ious methodologies and tools that can be employed to evaluate program effec tiveness. Through engaging presentations, group activities, and case study analyses, attendees will learn to identify key impact areas, apply both qua ntitative and qualitative approaches, and utilize practical assessment tool s such as surveys and logic models. The workshop will also highlight best p ractices and successful examples from diverse contexts, providing a rich un derstanding of what contributes to effective impact measurement. In the fin al session, participants will collaboratively develop actionable impact mea surement plans, fostering peer learning and immediate application of worksh op concepts. By the end of the session, participants will be equipped with a comprehensive framework to assess and enhance the outcomes of internation al education initiatives, ensuring they can make data-driven decisions to i mprove program quality and achieve desired educational goals.  LEARNIN G OBJECTIVES:  • Understand the significance of measuring the imp act of international education.  • Explore different methodologie s and tools for impact measurement.  • Analyze case studies to id entify best practices.  • Develop an actionable plan for assessin g the impact of international education programs.  TARGET AUDIENCE:&nb sp;Programme coordinators and faculty involved in curriculum and student de velopment.  TARGET AUDIENCE LEVEL:All There is a USD$100 fee per works hop. Please book your workshop(s) through your conference registration .  URL: LOCATION:Convention Centre, Level 4 STATUS:CONFIRMED CATEGORIES:Session ORGANIZER;CN=APAIE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR