BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//APAIE 2025/Conference and Exhibition METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:26123f33-dd96-da01-dd33-bacbc3ad4ea1 SUMMARY:Pre-Conference Workshop 4: Education Agent Management Masterclass - Delivering mutually beneficial outcomes DTSTAMP:20241030T152724 DTSTART:20250324T123000 DTEND:20250324T153000 DESCRIPTION:For many institutions, education agents are a mainstay of inter national student recruitment and deliver a valuable service to students and their families and institutions, yet they are often vilified by the press due to a small number of unethical organisations. In this session we will u se UK and Australian research and live case studies from expert practitione rs to build a toolkit for effectively selecting, training, supporting, and managing these relationships, with the goal of delivering a highquality rec ruitment experience to prospective students. The workshop will be interacti ve deploying social learning tasks to refine best practice approaches and h ighlight key measures of success. The panel will provide examples of implem enting best practice in their own organisations and how developing strong p artnerships leads to mutually beneficial outcomes and a fantastic prospecti ve student experience. Participants will come away with a set of practical tools and documents that they can immediately deploy to refine their partne rships with education agents and recruitment partners. LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Attendees will be equipped with a set of tools and ideas to implement in their institutions that will deliver high-quality agent management. The y will have a good understanding of global best practice in selecting the right education agents for their strategy setting these partnerships up for success through training and knowledge management collaborative planning a nd reviewing that prioritises the student experience and ethical practice. TARGET AUDIENCE: The session will benefit anybody involved in managing edu cation agent relationships or designing education agent and institution qua lity assurance approaches: recruitment, partnerships, government, peak bodi es, agents, consultants, etc. TARGET AUDIENCE LEVEL: All There is a USD$100 fee per workshop. Please book your workshop(s) through your conferenc e registration.  URL: LOCATION:Convention Centre, Level 4 STATUS:CONFIRMED CATEGORIES:Session ORGANIZER;CN=APAIE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR