BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//APAIE 2025/Conference and Exhibition METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:66848913-7579-cc2f-2c66-597f26e32bbe SUMMARY:Pre-Conference Workshop 6: Setting up an International Branch Campus in GIFT City, India DTSTAMP:20241030T152724 DTSTART:20250324T123000 DTEND:20250324T153000 DESCRIPTION:Deakin University Australia became the first international univ ersity from anywhere in the world to establish an international branch camp us at GIFT City, Gandhinagar as well as the first to set-up a standalone br anch campus in India. From ideation to commencement of teaching and learnin g – a clear eighteen months. The University of Southampton Delhi has made history as the first UK university to launch a comprehensive internati onal campus in India under new University Grants Committee (UGC) regulation s. In partnership with Oxford International Education Group, the University of Southampton Delhi will open its comprehensive campus as a pioneer in th is new educational landscape, ready to welcome its first cohort in 2025, ju st 18 months after its UGC application process began. Deakin University and University of Southampton will lead a workshop on the establishment of Int ernational Branch Campuses in India – with a particular focus on two different models – 1. GIFT City and 2. UGC.  This will be an opp ortunity to share experiences and learnings, with inputs from key advisory functions from India including how to effectively address legal, finance, p eople and cultural issues to deliver world class outcomes in-line with the objectives of the New Educational Policy.  The primary factors fosteri ng the establishment of the campus are: 1. Deakin University’s existi ng network – Deakin was the first foreign university to establish ope rations in India in 1994. This has helped establish Deakin as a leader in t he overseas education sector and our proud relationship with India continue s with the establishment of the new GIFT City Campus. 2. As a Top 100 unive rsity and founding member of the Russell Group, Southampton has engaged wit h India for over five decades, fostering unique research and academic partn erships. Building on its local and global networks and insights from its ex tensive expertise in delivery of world class educations programmes outside of the UK, the launch of the Delhi campus marks a strategic step toward bec oming a truly global university. 1.     &nbsp ; Both Universities have drawn extensively on the advice and support of str ategic partners on issues as diverse as policy intention through to recruit ment and admissions as they have established the academic, legal and operat ional frameworks necessary for success. 3. Both Universities have drawn ex tensively on the advice and support of strategic partners on issues as dive rse as policy intention through to recruitment and admissions as they have established the academic, legal and operational frameworks necessary for su ccess. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: The workshop will benefit international educati on providers who are keen to understand the key factors and processes that underpin the establishment of a successful International Branch Campus in I ndia. They proposed speakers / facilitators are the on-ground personnel who partnered with Deakin and Southampton. The workshop will be led by Mr Joh n Bolton, Executive Director of International Branch Campuses at Deakin Uni versity and supported by senior representatives from Southampton University and selected representatives their strategic partners. TARGET AUDIENCE: Gl obal Education Providers, Administrators, Education and Training Authoritie s, TNE, etc. TARGET AUDIENCE LEVEL:Intermediate  There is a USD$100 fe e per workshop. Please book your workshop(s) through your conference r egistration.  URL: LOCATION:Convention Centre, Level 4 STATUS:CONFIRMED CATEGORIES:Session ORGANIZER;CN=APAIE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR