BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//APAIE 2025/Conference and Exhibition METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:b8c72d75-3000-f102-b446-fa4852a09fdf SUMMARY:Pre-Conference Workshop 5: Developing a successful international office: Lessons learned DTSTAMP:20241030T152724 DTSTART:20250324T123000 DTEND:20250324T153000 DESCRIPTION:This pre-conference workshop explores differing structures, app roaches and functionalities of institutional international offices and focu ses on ‘lessons learned’ from diverse institutional types. Whil st the examples are drawn from Australia, they are relevant to other nation al contexts, including:  • ‘Traditional’, ‘esta blished’ as well as ‘newer’ universities.  • Un iversities located in metropolitan centres as well as in regional areas;&nb sp; • Dual-sector institutions (offering both vocational and universit y qualifications) and single-sector (university only)  • Single-c ampus and multi-campus institutions; and  • Newly merged universi ties.  Participants will be encouraged to reflect on their own interna tional office in terms of its structure, geographical focus, approach and f unctionalities. This will form a foundation for comparison, contrast and le arning. This workshop will include detailed case studies as well as individ ual reflection and peer learning.  This workshop is chaired by Hon. Ph il Honeywood, CEO, International Education Association of Australia (IEAA). As one of its founding pillars, IEAA delivers high-quality professional le arning to deepen the development of both members and other international ed ucation stakeholders. Other workshop facilitators are experienced internati onal directors from diverse types of institutions, with global experience, who will foster group interaction, learning and networking. LEARNING OBJECT IVES: • Gain new perspectives of the ways in which university internat ional offices can be organised in terms of structure, functionality and geo graphical focus. This learning objective is highly practical.  • Take a ‘deep dive’ into several case studies to explore specifi c, non-traditional institutional scenarios such as multi-campus institution s; dual-sector institutions; institutions based in non-metropolitan locatio ns; and newly merged institutions.  • Meet other APAIE attendees who have an interest in sharing and enhancing the capability and effectiven ess of their international office teams through case studies which explore different structures, approaches and functionality. In this way, we hope at tendees can form their own networks or community of practice around this to pic.  TARGET AUDIENCE:The content of this workshop will be relevant an d beneficial for APAIE attendees who are currently in mid-to-senior level l eadership roles in their institution and who are looking to enhance the cap abilities, effectiveness and approach of their international office team/s. In this workshop we will explore different scenarios faced by managerial a nd leadership staff of institutional international offices. For example, in stitutions with multiple campuses; institutions based outside of urban cent res; dual-sector institutions and institutions which are merging their inte rnational functions (between institutions, or between academic/faculty area s). In this way, our session will appeal to a broad, global audience workin g across diverse types of institutions in different countries.  TARGET AUDIENCE LEVEL:All There is a USD$100 fee per workshop. Please book your w orkshop(s) through your conference registration.  URL: LOCATION:Convention Centre, Level 4 STATUS:CONFIRMED CATEGORIES:Session ORGANIZER;CN=APAIE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR