BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//APAIE 2025/Conference and Exhibition METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3b7a97e8-fbb3-bf11-e002-e08b576fc9b5 SUMMARY:Pre-Conference Workshop 3: Advancing Global Partnerships through NEP 2020: Fostering Global Citizenship in Indian Higher Education DTSTAMP:20241030T152724 DTSTART:20250324T090000 DTEND:20250324T120000 DESCRIPTION:As India embarks on transformative educational reforms under th e National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, its higher education sector is incr easingly focused on cultivating global citizenship and tackling significant global challenges. This joint session, hosted by O.P. Jindal Global Univer sity (JGU), EdCIL, and the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), will d elve into how NEP 2020 enhances international partnerships and the pivotal role these collaborations play in developing sustainable and inclusive educ ational frameworks. EdCIL, a leading education sector consultancy, will out line its role in facilitating partnerships between foreign universities and Indian institutions. It will provide guidance on navigating India’s regulatory environments, establishing legal frameworks, and ensuring compli ance with NEP 2020. Through an in-depth exploration of the policy landscape , EdCIL will illuminate the extensive opportunities available for foreign u niversities to establish a presence in India. AIU will contribute insights on academic equivalence and alignment, particularly for dual-degree program s and credit recognition, simplifying integration with Indian institutions and ensuring a smoother collaboration process. AIU’s role in fosterin g cross-border academic recognition will help foreign universities understa nd the framework for dual-degree initiatives in alignment with Indian insti tutions. Additionally, JGU will present insights from its robust internatio nal collaborations, highlighting key areas of engagement: • Short-Term Study Abroad Programs that provide immersive cultural and academic experie nces, fostering connections and deepening a comprehensive understanding of global perspectives. • Research Internships that promote collaborative projects addressing both global and local challenges. • Faculty & Student Exchanges that enable the sharing of expertise and offer a cross-c ultural learning experience, enriching academic practices across borders. & bull; Dual-Degree Programs that allow students to earn qualifications from both their home and partner institutions, enhancing academic credentials an d global employability. • Global Classrooms that leverage digital plat forms to connect diverse student cohorts in an integrated global learning e nvironment.LEARNING OBJECTIVES: • Provides practical pathways for fore ign universities to engage with India’s rapidly expanding higher educ ation market. • Combines EdCIL's expertise in partnership facilitation , AIU’s support for dual-degree frameworks, and JGU’s success i n establishing international collaborations, equipping foreign institutions to build impactful connections with Indian universities. • Highlights alignment with Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), encouraging global univ ersities to expand their reach while contributing to sustainable developmen t efforts. • Offers comprehensive insights into navigating India&rsquo ;s academic and regulatory landscape, facilitating effective participation in India’s burgeoning academic sector. • Positions foreign insti tutions at the forefront of international higher education transformation, enhancing their global influence while contributing to the objectives of NE P 2020. • By attending, foreign university representatives will gain s trategic knowledge to foster meaningful collaborations, promoting global ci tizenship, sustainability, and shared educational excellence in alignment w ith India’s internationalization goals.TARGET AUDIENCE: • Univer sity Administrators and Leaders • International Partnerships and Colla boration Officers • Academic Program Directors • Policy Makers an d Consultants • SDG Advocates • International Education Consultan ts and Advisors • Higher Education Researchers There is a USD$100 fee per workshop. Please book your workshop(s) through your conferenc e registration.  URL: LOCATION:Convention Centre, Level 4 STATUS:CONFIRMED CATEGORIES:Session ORGANIZER;CN=APAIE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR