APAIE-IAU Webinar 2024: Internationalisation of Higher Education in the Asia Pacific

We are pleased to provide the video of the webinar, which took place on 27 June 2024.

Join the (just over) 600 people who registered for this webinar!!

The webinar explores internationalisation trends in the Asia Pacific, drawing on data from the 6th IAU Global Survey on Internationalisation and insights from experts in the region. 

Find out:

  • current trends shaping this region
  • key drivers of internationalisation
  • challenges to internationalisation
  • and the future directions of internationalisation of higher education in the Asia Pacific

Professor Venky Shankararaman (APAIE President) introduces proceedings and concludes with key take-aways and Giorgio Marinoni (Manager, HE and Internationalisation, International Association of Universities) presents his findings from the 6th IAU Global Survey on Internationalisation.  

Hear from experts in the region:


Speaker and Organisation


Helen Kronberger | Global Sector Lead, International Education
Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade)


Xie Meng | Professor
School of Education, Renmin University of China


Vidya Yerav | Principal Director - Symbiosis Society, and Pro Chancellor
Symbiosis International University


Yuto Kitamura | Associate Professor
Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo, Japan


Nopraenue Sajjarax Dhirathiti | Vice President for International Relations and Corporate Communication
Mahidol University
Vice President | APAIE


 Click here for the video recording or place the address below in browser.

Click here for the slide presentation

Click here for the report from the 6th IAU Global Survey on Internationalisation or place the address below in browser.


We also encourage Higher Education organisations in the Asia Pacific to participate in IAU’s 2nd Global Survey on the Digital Transformation of Higher Education. The more data that is received, the more accurate the outcomes for our region which then leads to greater benefits on an institutional, regional and global level. These insights can help HE institutions benchmark their own progress and identify areas for improvement.

By having an accurate picture of how digital technologies are shaping HE in the region, institutions can better align their investments and initiatives, improve educational outcomes, advocate for supportive policies, and forge meaningful collaborations.   

  • It only takes about 30 minutes to submit the data online.
  • The deadline to complete the survey is 1 October 2024.
  • Only one survey can be submitted on behalf of the entire institition.

Please send the following links to the relevant person at your institution! 

Learn more about the survey here: https://www.iau-aiu.net/technology?onglet=4 

And respond to the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/IAUDTweb 


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