Please see below a list of commonly asked questions about APAIE 2025. If you can't find the answer to your question here, please don't hesitate to contact us. 

Key contacts for 2025:


The shuttle bus schedule can be found here.

Foreign Exchange

There is a foreign exchange booth in the Exhibition Hall. 

Registration and Attendance

What are the registration fees?
Earlybird registration until 20 December 2024
Delegate: USD$780  |  Student: USD$500  |  Speaker: USD$650

Standard registration until 3 March 2025
Delegate: USD$880  |  Student: USD$500  |  Speaker USD$650

Onsite registration from 4 March 2025
Delegate: USD$1,100  |  Student: USD$500  |  Speaker USD$650

What is included in my registration fee?
The full registration fee will include attendance at the full Conference and Exhibition Program from 24 - 28 March 2025 as well as a ticket to the Welcome Reception, see the registration page for more information.

Can I transfer my registration to another member of my organisation?
Yes, registrations can be transferred at any stage.  Please email

If I am unable to attend, can I roll over my APAIE 2025 registration to APAIE 2026?
Requests received after 15 January 2025 cannot be rolled over to APAIE 2026.

Can I register for just one day of the Conference?
There are no single-day passes.  All registrations are for all days of the Conference.

How can I reserve a hotel room and what rates are available?
We have secured a number of rooms at selected hotels in Aerocity.  This complex is about a 30 minute bus or car ride from the Convention and Exhibition Centre.  You can book your accommodation with the hotels directly, please visit our accommodation page for more information.

Will there be transport assistance for participants?
We’re looking at more sustainable options to assist delegates to get to the venue, such as a shuttle service between Aerocity and the local metro station. Details will be shared closer to the event. Alternatively there is a metro station in Aerocity and the convention centre is on a direct line only three stops away.  From your hotel it is a 10-15 minute walk to the metro station and and when you arrive at the Yashobhoomi stop there is a 10 minute walk through the underground tunnels to the Convention and Exhibition centre.  

How can I register onsite?
If you are unable to register prior to APAIE 2025, you can register onsite at the Registration Desk. Please note, payment will be required at this time via a credit card only.

I want to cancel my registration, can I get a refund?
All cancellations must be received in writing so please email Cancellation notice received prior to 29 January 2025 will be eligible for a refund, less a USD$100 cancellation fee. Cancellations after this date are non-refundable, however you are able to transfer your registration to another person.  

I am an overseas participant and need a letter of invitation before I can receive my visa. What is the procedure?
Upon full payment of the Conference and Exhibition registration fees, you request an invitation letter by emailing Invitation letters will not be supplied to unpaid or unregistered participants, and we reserve the right to refuse to provide invitation letters for attendees.  Please note that while we will obtain the required supporting documents for a Conference visa, obtaining a visa remains the sole responsibility of the participant.  Supporting documents to assist in applying for your visa will be available at the time of registration opening.

Can you assist participants in getting a visa?
We have been advised by the Ministry of External Affairs for India that participants attending the APAIE 2025 conference will require a conference e-visa. Please note that the ability to apply for a conference e-visa is based on the country of citizenship on your passport. We are working with the relevent ministries to get approval and will provide detailled information to all participants when registrations open. Not all countries will be able to apply for a conference e-visa, some may have to visit their embassy and apply for a paper visa.

Will I receive a Certificate of Attendance?
Yes, a Certificate of Attendance will be sent to all participants post Conference.

What services are available for special needs and requests?
We encourage persons with disabilities to participate in the program and social activities. Please contact to request services or other accommodations for any special needs or note these on your registration form. If you have dietary preferences, please be sure to mark those on the space provided on the registration form when you register.  Please note while we want to highlight the amazing local cuisine, there will be provisions made in the daily catering to allow for some western cuisine also.

Who attends APAIE Conferences?
Professionals who work in or provide services to the international education sector. Conference delegates, presenters and exhibitors usually include the following representatives:

  • University and institution officers responsible for international mobility of students, faculty and staff
  • National and regional international education organisations and associations
  • Leaders in interculturalism, internationalisation and the student experience
  • Higher education leaders responsible for the internationalisation of their institution such as Presidents, Vice Chancellors, Vice Presidents, Provosts, Directors, Principals, etc.
  • Government representatives and education policymakers
  • Leaders in advancing opportunities for indigenous and newcomer communities in international education

Can I access a delegate list?
Instructions to access the list of APAIE 2025 participants will be emailed to all registered contacts in 2025. You will also be able to connect with other participants via the APAIE 2025 Conference App also and this will be releaesd prior to the Conference so you can start organising meetings prior.

How many delegates will attend APAIE 2025?
APAIE 2025 expects 2,500+ delegated in attendance from 60+ countries/regions.

Am I able to access the program via a virtual registration?
Virtual registrations are not available as APAIE 2025 is an in-person event.

Will sessions in the program be available to view post-event?
The full program will not be recorded, however the Plenary sessions recordings and PDFs of the presentation slides (for those presenters who have agreed to share) will be available post-conference for APAIE 2025 registered delegates only.

What if I am planning an event or activity during APAIE? 
If you are planning an event or activity to coincide with APAIE 2025, and would like it listed on the APAIE 2025 website, please complete this form. Events scheduled at the same time as the conference will not be listed. 

Abstract Submission

When is the abstract submission deadline?
Abstract submissions close, 31 July 2024 8pm AEST

When will I know if my abstract has been accepted?
Authors will be advised by the end of October via email.

My abstract has been accepted but I can not attend, what do I do?
The presentation can be delivered by another named author, this author must have been included on the original abstract submission. Please email to advise of any change of presenter.  If there is no other author able to attend then the space will be passed onto another presenter on the waitlist who are ready to fill the spot and present in person.

One member of my panel session is unable to attend - can they present virtually?
If a panelist is unable to attend the Conference, they may pre-record their part of the session, with the video shown as part of the presentation.  However, if they are not attending in person, they will not be listed in the program as a speaker.

I submitted an abstract but the data has changed or is not available, what do I do?
Please email to advise you will need to withdraw or update your abstract. 

Is there a powerpoint template I should be using?
No, you can use your own template however please ensure it is formatted to a 16:9 ratio.  We will provide a holding slide listing all the presentations in the session.

Where do I take my presentation at the Conference?
There will be a Speaker Preparation Room available for you to finalise and load your presentation. Please ensure you deliver your presentation to the technicians in the Speaker Preparation Room at least 2 hours prior to your session. The location and opening times for this room will be advised closer to the time of the Conference.

Sponsorship and Exhibition

How do I sign up to become an exhibitor at APAIE 2025?
If you sign up to the mailing list we will let you know as soon as the prospectus is available and applications for exhibition booths open.

What sponsorship opportunities are available?
Please view the Sponsorship Prospectus

What cancellation policies apply to sponsors and exhibitors?
Contact us at for terms and conditions.

Can I choose my booth location?
You may advise your preferred location and we'll do our best to accommodate but many factors are taken into account when planning the exhibition layout.

Can I host Receptions at my booth?
Please advise us of your intentions to hold a reception at your booth, we do ask that this does not clash with the APAIE 2025 program.  Please note also that strict liquor licensing rules apply in India and if you do want to serve alcohol at your reception you will need to get a liquor licence.  Please email us and we can provide more information.

Can I book private meeting rooms at the venue?
There are a number of meeting room spaces available to book.  Please email who can assist in putting you in contact with the venue team.  We do ask that any ancillary sessions or receptions are not booked at a time that clashes with theAPAIE 2025 conference program.

APAIE Membership

Does APAIE have a membership program?
Participation in the APAIE Conference and Exhibition is open to everyone - no membership is required.  APAIE is exploring options for a membership program which may be introduced over the coming years.