Conference Theme

Cultivating Global Citizens for the Future: The Higher Education Imperative in the Asia Pacific and Beyond

In an ever more interconnected world, the significance of nurturing global citizens through higher education stands as an integral endeavour of paramount importance, encompassing the Asia-Pacific region. This theme encapsulates the ethos of fostering individuals who are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and mindset to navigate and contribute to our complex global society sustainably. Beyond traditional academic pursuits, this initiative seeks to instil a deep understanding of global issues, a commitment to diversity and inclusion, and the ability to collaborate across cultures. Through research and capacity building, global higher education, collaborations, and a focus on inclusion of diversity, higher education institutions serve as the catalysts for nurturing these global citizens whilst promoting sustainability in all its dimensions. 


The conference theme can be addressed in numerous ways.

It is noted that topics under a particular interest area (sub-theme) may overlap with others. Please choose the interest area that is most relevant to your presentation. 

1. Global Education and Student Flow

This interest area incorporates all aspects of international student and staff mobility including specific programs, student recruitment and notions of transnational education. 

Examples of topics:

  • implementing effective strategies to attract and diversify student populations, including marketing, recruitment, and student flow management
  • offering curriculum that integrates global perspectives across disciplines
  • providing study abroad programs and international experiences
  • facilitating intercultural competency development through experiential learning
  • government legislation and regulations including visa information
  • compliance and regulation issues

2. Collaborations

This interest area focuses on the various types of partnerships to further goals and interests, including but not limited to areas such as student experiences, research and specific programs.  

Examples of topics:

  • fostering partnerships with universities, organizations, and governments across borders
  • promoting collaborative research projects and knowledge sharing initiatives
  • engaging in joint academic programs and student exchanges to facilitate cross-cultural understanding

3. Diversity and Inclusion

This interest area is all about creating inclusive environments considering various programs that promote this, student recruitment and student experience and well-being. 

Examples of topics:

  • creating inclusive environments that celebrate diverse perspectives and experiences
  • implementing policies and programs to support underrepresented groups
  • providing training and resources to promote cultural competence among students and staff
  • student voice 

4. Global Citizenship as an Idea

The internationalisation of higher education seeks to foster global citizens. This interest area includes topics which explore, promote and challenge this ideal.   

Examples of topics:

  • instilling values of empathy, responsibility, and ethical leadership
  • encouraging active engagement in addressing global issues such as climate change, inequality, and human rights
  • equipping students with the skills to navigate cultural differences and contribute positively to global communities
  • the role of technology and AI in promoting the internationalisation of education and the challenges involved  
  • campus protests and global events

5. Research and Capacity Building:

Examples of topics:

  • encouraging interdisciplinary research that addresses global challenges
  • building research capacities through international partnerships and exchanges
  • empowering students and faculty with the skills and resources to engage in impactful research with global impact

Universities play a pivotal role in advancing these initiatives by serving as the centres for knowledge exchange, cultural dialogue, and innovation. By embracing the theme of "Cultivating Global Citizens for the Future: The Higher Education Imperative in the Asia Pacific and Beyond," institutions in the Asia-Pacific region can work collaboratively towards common goals, fostering a generation of individuals who are not only academically proficient but also socially conscious, culturally aware, and equipped to tackle the challenges of our furthering interconnected world, whilst building a more sustainable future for all.

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